Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fashion's Night Out

This is the night, the single biggest shopping event of the year.
Created by Anna Wintour (editor in chief  of  Vouge America) to celebrate being in FASHION!

It happened all over the world.
etc, etc..

Of course, I was part of that with my drink.

This Jack&Coke made my mood hyper. lol

 SHOP, drink, SHOP, talk and SHOP...

It was whole city event, so I even could change the location to have another party. :)

 Long line to get into Ron Herman.
Out side stage for the snap shots. Even it's for snaps, real photo shooting sets.
Sooo Hollywood★

David Long ; Dirtee Hollywood Designer
Since it was collaboration event Dirtee Hollywood for FNO,
(And I had a VIP invitation☆),
I got a goodie bag! Yay!!

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