Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Meet the people- Jeff Yokoyama

Recently, I start thinking "If I believe to achieve my goal, it comes true." 
Since I read the article about Generic Youth, I always wanted to see him. His name is Jeff Yokoyama.
Actually, it was not hard to make it true, because his office is in Costa Mesa, OC, 20 minits away from my place. I could meet him on my first visit, haha!

The reason why I was so attracted him, and his brand is very simple. I could tell Jeff himself is having fun to create his world just like kids do!! His office and store is a huge toybox.

It says sports world in Japanese.

Their materials are all used beach towels, shirts, knits, jeans and leftorver fabrics.

He is the guy who gives used items new life. Sergio! 25 years experience for sewing and pattern making. His craftmanship is just like magic.

This day was,
Yum yum yum!!!
If you visit there on wednesday, Scott (a.k.a. best burger shef) will fill your stomach! Bring your used beach towel, and get a free burger.

Ooooooops! I forgot take a picture of Jeff. I should go visit him soon. :D

Generic Youth Store
1609 Pomona ave.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

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