Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Grateful Bear.

Dancing Bear Tee with KUNNA MJ510-55

Somebody asked me yesterday, "Who is the funky laughing bear??"
Somebody knows, somebody doesn't. Somebody calls them  "Dead Bear", somebody does "Jerry Garcia Bear". Yes, this jorker bear is the one of the mascot of The Grateful Dead.

Now I remember, this tee is my first Dead item which I bought 15 years ago in Japan. Since then, my bear collection is getting bigger, bigger and bigger. Because, these guys drive me crazy. They are incredinbly weird, but pretty.
They all have their name and birthday on their tag.
Spinner: Suger: Shake Down

They can be a snowbear!

I knew Jerry Garcia before I met them, because I was raised by the Blue Grass music. His sound and face were very familiar to me, but I'd never know he created these characters.
They always give me their happy weird smile. I love it.

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